Monday, July 23, 2007

Our Wedding Shots... the DAY



Yuki with the key to the door
i wish Pappe was there...

my sister and Godma :)

THE GROOM is here!

Apple Cider Vinegar!
Bitter gourd with coffee powder

"hey! wat are u guys doing?!!!"

"Oh yeah! i'm thru!"

so we'd like u to think.. ha!

Marky wants to be the bride too.

with the guys..

with the gals..

Our Wedding Shots... the NIGHT

our Unity Candles.. 7 of them :)

we can't cut that cake! ahahahaha..

watching my video for zack..
oh man, i look hideous on screen!

Zack serenades me......


Des and Chris belting.. "I've Finally Found Someone"
Fugene playing guitar
Mark playing percussion

Then the fun begins....!

yes, we did a Catch-the-bouquet in the banquet hall! *LOL*
QY caught it!

i love this shot!

these are some we love.
more to come.
stay tune.

Friday, July 20, 2007

"you know, i'll cry if you will sing to me on our wedding day.." groom said to me.

so what's this deal about me singing to him?
Well, that's because i DON'T sing.. EVER.
i'm no bathroom singer.
i went to karaoke (twice) and the mike never came to me (on my command)
singing is just not ju.
so i've never sang to him before (perhaps just a line or 2)
why don't i sing?
cos i cant hold a tune if my life depends on it.
and i croak mainly.
so that's the deal.
he's been longing for me to sing to him..
cos it was something i've never done before.. not for anyone
it takes alot out of me to do so actually.

Having said that..
when the person u love most requested something of this manner to you..
and you really wanna do something so special for him that he'd cry from it,
more so on the most important day of our lives.
So with a palpitating heart and sweaty palms..
i looked for help!

Singing infront of 200 guests is simply too daunting for me.
i'd most likely freeze in fright on the stage.
so i did the next best possible thing..
i did a video recording! (of my singing of crse)

I roped in Mark, Des, Fugene
They are simply awesome!
they agreed without hesitation.
ideas bounced.. and all the tech talk flew
all i ended up doing was look pretty, talk and sing.
they took care of everything else :)

First meeting: 25 June (Monday)
Venue: Tao Kee
A brainstorming session

Second meeting: 30 June (Saturday)
Venue: Marky's

Des and Mark filming me taking a pic of them.
that small thing in Des's palm was to record the singing.
highly sensitive and can pick up the slightest sound.
it's from her studio.. yeah Perfect10!
whoa and whoa!

Des looking cool here.. haha
(sidenote: This is Desiree Lai from 987! our favourite lunch buddy from 10 - 1! - did i get the time right?? haha... Catch her on FHM - August issue!!! HOT STUFF!)

Fu came with all the barang barang.. his PRS, lappy, and all the incomprehensible gadgets.

this program records his guitar.. and for my singing to sychronise with it.
yeah, we recorded the guitar, drums and my singing separately..
then Fu went back to merge and edit them.
so pro right?!

all the gadgets...
yeah whoa..
j'ne comprend pas :P

recording Mark's drums..

Recording of the singing wasn't too bad
it was the filming of the intro that caught me!
within 30secs, i knew it was NOT easy ONE BIT.
i couldnt do it!
talking infront of the cam,
saying what i wanna say to zack..
was extremely nerve wrecking.
yeah, i'm actually a very shy person.. haha
Des had to spend 5mins calming me down
yeah, i was hyperventilating by then.. hahaha
she then came up with an idea which worked (it involved everyone) and i was thoroughly comfortable with and all we did was 1 take!

we had to do a re-take cos the cam didnt work!
and we couldnt retrieve the footage done on that day *bummer*

Third meeting: 5 July (2 days before the wedding day!)
Venue: Mark's
(i mentioned it on the 6 July post.. yeah that was wat i did! ;P)

we ended up doing a 45-min video too
it was more on us talking rubbish.. haha
and me spilling the beans!
on how we met, my jitters, the proposal... and plenty of cock-talking in between :P
oh sorry, not posting the vids.. Private Stash!

:: Mark, Des, Fugene: for everything! for being so supportive, enthusiatic.. for giving your time so generously :) I couldnt have done it without u guys. For Mark's jovial personality and bad-ass jokes, Des's cool professional ways, creative ingenious ideas and Fu's calming, reassuring manner and all his tech expertise.. and also for making this a fun and memorable experience :) *huge hugs*

:: Ching: for your unwavering support and encouragement.. always :) For awhile i was disheartened cos i ran this video idea with some friends and they didnt think it was a good idea. Thanks gal for pushing and encouraging me to go ahead with it.

:: Qing Yun: for editing the video with Fu.. despite your long hours at work :) They did an awesome DVD with the 45min interview video, my video and our wedding pics montage! thanks guys! *hugs*

:: Andy: for offering to edit the sound portion.. way over at the states! and wanting to do something for our wedding. Thanks dude.. really appreciate that :)

:: Carol: for giving me this idea! :)

and lastly...

hope you enjoyed this video (despite the awful singing).. and that i did make our wedding day special for you. It's not all about the bride alright! :P Thought it'll be so meaningful when your good friends and your wife put together something just for you. And we did it all behind your back! ;P amazing right?? hehe.

i was asked: "How do you know when you've finally found Someone?" Too many answers and none at all. But this is mine. You would know.. when your head came down from the clouds and reality hits.. the color is no longer pink but a rainbow of colors, you get the blues but also the reds. When you have petty squabbles but you cant hold your anger long cos all it takes is that look in his eyes and your heart grows soft.. and all unhappiness dissipates. When an argument with him spoils your entire day but an sweet sms from him turns it ard instantly. When both your hands find each other in sleep and the face that greets you everytime u wake promises a brighter day. When his words cut you to the quick but somehow you'll always find it in your heart to forgive him. When you would face your greatest fears, just to put that smile on his face. And above all, you know when despite all the arguments you had.. that you are so much more, so much happier together than apart.. that you'd put aside your pride and say 'i'm sorry', just to stay that way.

So yes, i've found Someone.. and he's The One :)

My song to you.... - I Wanna Grow Old With You
I wanna make you smile,
Whenever you're sad.
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad.
All I wanna do,
Is grow old with you

I'll get you medicine,
When your tummy aches.
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks.

It would be so nice,
Growin' old with you

I'll miss you, kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you.
I'll even let you hold the remote control
So let me clean your fishtank it's getting green
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
Oh I could be the girl,
Who grows old with you

I wanna grow old with you.

Love, your Wife, Ju :)
(but you didnt cry.....)