Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A friend in need.. is a friend in deed.

it's been a month since our lovely wedding
and this will probably be the last post of this blog.
with this, i wanna thank all our friends who had helped us in ways big and small :)

Having planned a wedding, i've realised that the couple can never do it alone and their friends play the major role in making it a success.
they probably have heard it dozens of times but i still wanna give my thanks.
this is probably the time when we finally know who our true friends are and when its time for the crunch, who are really there for us.
Unconditionally, Unselfishly.

With this, i wanna give credit to this special special bunch of people who had made our day so joyous :)

from left: Qing Yun, Fugene, Desiree, Chris

Qing Yun: for helping us with the videos. Editing them and doing whatever magic she did.

Fugene: did the vids with QY and playing the guitar during our unity candle ceremony. He is also one of zack's groomsmen in the morning. Like the bitter gourd? hehe.

Desiree and Chris: They both sang a duet: "I Finally Found Someone" during the candle ceremony. Thanks guys for all the practices at Mark's basement.

Everyone came for a final practice at our home the night before the wedding and didnt leave til 2am!

Chris: handled the sound portion during the dinner.

Mark: Played percussion during the candle ceremony.

Desiree and Mark: They were also our MCs for the night.
They did a FANTASTIC job!

Des was the pro, Mark was the entertainment (in a good way of crse).. hahaha
When Zack and i were looking for our emcess, i told him i wanted someone who knows us personally. Close friends to both of us. And we are so glad we found the perfect pair and they both agreed!

We couldnt have gotten better MCs if we got a pro!

if you noticed, all of them played duel, even triple roles. From MCs to soundman to vocalists to wedding gown carrier. hahaha... yeah, Mark and Fu were carrying my train when we went around the tables for our photo-taking.. they even doubled up as my bridesmaids.. haha

This bunch.. were with us every step of the way. And there's little we wouldnt do for them. They gave their time and support so generously, without expecting anything in return. You guys are awesome!

and the Gals!

from left: Joanna, Siying, Silin, Jane, Ying Yan (standing)

Thanks gals for helping out at the reception! I need to ask Andy for the other shot we took together after the dinner.
This group came up with the sabo list too.. ahahaha.

and in the morning....

my bridesmaids: Siying, Joanna and Jane

They came early in the morning with food in tow (bitter gourd, coffee powder, sugar syrup etc) for the saboing session. Thanks for waking up at the crack of dawn and i know.. $30 on cabfares for that day *winks at SY*

I hear your woes gals and i appreciate the inconveniences that morning. From hungry stomachs to rushing from place to place like crazy women. I hope that in some ways, you gals did enjoy yourself.

nice wrist corsages? I made them! *grins*

Tim: the man behind the wheel!

When zack approached him for help.. a ready YES was his reply :) And he even went the extra mile. He actually compiled a CD of nice jazzy music which he thought we will like and played it during our rides.. that's so incredibly sweet and thoughtful of him *touched* :) Ah.. here's a nicer shot of him.

Kelley and i... before the march-in.

She came early and was in the suite with me. Attending to the numerous needs of a bride.. hahhaha. No lah, i'm no bridezilla :D but so very nervous! I was so glad Kel was with me then. I was one big bundle of nerves. They all thought i was very calm and cool.. til i say.. "you wanna feel my hands?" they were ice-cold.

from left: Samuel, Ben, Anthony, Val

Sam and Ben actually missed their cuz's wedding just so they could attend mine *tears* I've not seen Sam in years and he's still the same ole Sam :D This bunch was with me in the suite too and i refused to let them go down to the banquet room.. cos then i'd be all alone in the suite! Ben said they would do anything for me except walk down the aisle with me.. ahahhahaa!

They ended up as my escorts. 3 guys and a lovely Val. Love them to bits!

Sam: "Good morning ju. Ok, i've decided to skip my cousin's wedding. You're more important. Haha." awww... things that melt my heart *hugs*

Ben: offered his help like a 1001 times. I cant count the no. of times he asked me if there are any ways he could help with the wedding *touched* :) and even offered to be our chauffeur and said he prob could get me a BMW :)

i honestly would like them to play a bigger role in my wedding but unless they can be my bridesmaids, there's nothing really i can tag on them.

And how could i forget Yiming? First person to msg me on the wedding morning... way from Aussie. Thanks for your blessings and really wished u were there! :)

In the midst of joyous occasions, there are bound to be disappointments. I expected it but it still gives me a jolt everytime i think of it. It was shocking.. even to this day. How some supposedly good friends would expect payment for their assistance. I'm never one to take advantage of a friend and those who had helped us, we showed our appreciation in some form. It put things into perspective for me.. the friendship that is. My disappointment knew no bounds.. i have always love my close friends and would do so much for them without expecting anything in return. So i wasnt able to comprehend the calculative-ness of a supposedly 'good' friend. I had a rude awakening.. but at least, i know now.. where everything stands.

Brings to mind what someone asked me.. why do i put up with friends who treat me shabbily?

To a dear friend: it was precisely that i regarded you guys as my good friends, that i asked you for help. It may not seem like the best arrangement to you but it was what i asked for, as a friend in need. Thinking that i gave you guys the lousiest task cos i didnt regard you as good friends was.. regretable. Of all people, i had expected your understanding.

Cliche it may sound but it rings so true. True friends are hard to come by, I've come to realise.. that it's not how long you guys have been friends for, but how in times of adversity, the friends who came through for you, that matters.

And this.. marks the end of my last post.
Thanks for following the fruition of our wedding
from conception to birth
and sorry this post took awhile to come.. haha
U guys know where to find me :P
(some of u though)